Ellie Ora Page is making a zine to accompany an upcoming exhibition at People’s History Museum in February 2024.
The mini-zine will include prompts for zine-making around the theme of intersecting disabled & LGBTQIA+ identities.
This anonymous form is an opportunity for you to share your experiences as activists of either of both of these communities. Your answers may inform the themes of the prompts or artwork included in the zine. I just would like to hear from as many people as possible to build a picture of how intersecting identities are experienced in the context of activism 🙂
Click here to fill in the Google form: https://forms.gle/rXxrcqf49oXKVLqk9
You can respond to any/all of the questions however you like! You can respond to any/all of the questions however you like! You can even skip to the end if you don’t want to respond to particular prompts and instead would just like to share an opinion or anecdote.
Alternative formats of the prompts can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U8-9MroHuvoOJIwgZ3oCJre4eUsY4_q8?usp=drive_link
If you have any questions or would like to submit in another way, please email ellie@elliepage.co.uk