Outside In presents an exhibition of artworks and poetry exploring the intersect of LGBTQIA+ and disabled activist identities in Manchester.
The exhibition will open at the People’s History Museum until Monday 8 April 2024
As well as artwork and poetry by North West Outside In artists, the exhibition is guest curated by Julian Gray and features newly commissioned artwork by Lead Artist, Dara SF Addams.
Manchester’s Gay Village has a strong and important history as one of the most vital LGBTQIA+ spaces in the UK, yet even in its modern form it contains few accessible venues. Disabled LGBTQIA+ people are often isolated and forgotten, and this extends to Pride events as well.
Protest and activism often require a physical presence; they can sometimes include a risk of arrest which carries with it greater difficulties for those with intersectional identities, including disability, neuro-divergence and mental health. These barriers to access can impact one’s sense of identity as an LGBTQIA+ person, particularly as an LGBTQIA+ activist.